Born in Toronto, Sarah is a Canadian/American actor, producer and dual citizen. She spent her childhood in Germany and Atlanta, Georgia and her young adult life in Prague, Czech Republic; Slovakia, Ohio and Indiana. Sarah graduated with honors from the conservatory Prague Film School and was awarded Best Actor in 2012.
She now lives and works in Los Angeles, California.

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Chronicles of Gnarnia: The Rex Chadwick Story

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Parkway

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Chronicles of Gnarnia: The Rex Chadwick Story

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Amour.

Sarah Brown Carter, behind the scenes of Underdog

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Chronicles of Gnarnia: The Rex Chadwick Story

Sarah Brown Carter, Thom Newell and Trent Bruce behind the scenes on Itinerary

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Chronicles of Gnarnia: The Rex Chadwick Story

Sarah Brown Carter, still from a national commercial.

Sarah Brown Carter, still from The Unusual Suspects.

Sarah Brown Carter, behind the scenes of Underdog

Sarah Brown Carter, still from a national commercial

Sarah Brown Carter, still from My Haunted House

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Underdog

Sarah Brown Carter, still from The My Haunted House

Behind the scenes of Underdog

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Itinerary

Sarah Brown Carter, still from Unusual Suspects

Sarah Brown Carter, still from The Electrician

Sarah Brown Carter, Prague Film School